Monday, November 5, 2007

Welcome to TEC!

Welcome to the 2007 TEC Project! Thank you for taking the time to participate in the TEC Project. As classroom teachers we know how precious even one evening a month can be. However, as former TEC participants we also know how valuable this experience will be for both you and your students.

Over the next few months you will join the rapidly growing global community of bloggers and podcasters. During our first meeting we'll take some time to discuss real simple syndication (RSS), subscribing to blogs via Bloglines, and subscribing to podcasts via iTunes. Take a few moments to read through the blogs listed in the Blogroll. Next time we meet you will be setting up your own blog, so peruse the list of blogs for ideas. Perhaps you need a classroom website or a creative way for students to write? As you can see, blogs can be found in a variety of formats.

After checking out a few blogs, head over to iTunes and investigate some educational podcasts. Perhaps you have some students who would be excellent digital story tellers or you're looking for a way for students to demonstrate their knowledge in a recorded format? Just like blogs, there are hundreds of different ways for using podcasts in the classroom.
One last thing - blogging really is a two-way conversation and this blog is your blog. Please comment and comment often. Secondly, feel free to create you own blog post - as a contributer you are also an author.


Photo: Welcoming by Butterflysha on Flickr


Unknown said...

Thanks for creating a link to my blog! I was excited to find a couple of new favorites from the other links you included. Good luck to everyone getting started in the world of blogging.

Msabcmom said...

I can't wait!

Mrs. Patricia Beyer said...

Looking forward to blogging!